
Your First BJJ Competition: Everything You Need to Know

Now that you have been training for some time, you have decided to participate in your first BJJ tournament. Competitions are a great way to test your skills and see how good you are. Nonetheless, besides making weight and trying your best, there are a few things you need to know. In this article, we will answer some important questions you probably have about your first BJJ competition. Stay tuned and enjoy!

When Should You Do Your First BJJ Competition?

This question gets asked quite a lot, and the short and cliche answer is – when you’re ready. This can vary for each individual. Someone can become a competitor in less than a year, and someone might need two or more years. It all depends on how much you train and how much time you invest in the sport. You should not rush your first competition because you don’t want to go unprepared and lose motivation afterward. However, you don’t want to wait too much because that will put unnecessary pressure on you. The best time to start competing for most people is somewhere between 6 to 18 months of training. In that time you can learn the fundamental moves of the sport, and prepare yourself accordingly. Make sure you talk to your coach and hear his opinion.

How Do I Prepare for a BJJ Competition?

Training for a competition may differ from your regular training. You will need to learn the rules under which you compete. Also, you need to have an overall game plan, and you have to make weight. Let’s look at some tips that can help you get prepared for your first BJJ competition.

Learn the Rules

In Brazilian jiu-jitsu and grappling, a couple of federations organize competitions across the world. Each federation has its own ruleset. The rules vary from one organization to another. Before competing, you should know the ins and outs of the certain ruleset, as this can work tremendously to your advantage. Knowing how to score points can get you the win most of the time. Also, avoiding unnecessary penalties can save you from a potential disqualification. The two most important governing bodies for jiu-jitsu and grappling are the IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation) and ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club). The IBJJF organizes both Gi and No-Gi competitions, while the ADCC organizes only No-Gi. I will link both rulesets down below. Pay attention to the scoring criteria and illegal techniques.

how do I prepare for a BJJ competition

Train Consistently

Being well-prepared physically and technically is essential to competing in any martial art. The best way to avoid fatigue is to have good cardio and use your technique efficiently. You don’t have to train every day if it is your first competition, but training at least four times a week is necessary. Be sure to do a lot of regular and positional sparring, as this is the best way to work on your technique and cardio. Also, you can add a strength & conditioning routine to work on your general physical preparedness. The closer you get to the day of the competition, you should reduce the intensity of your training sessions to avoid injuries. One week before the tournament, work on your strategy and mentally prepare yourself.

Don’t Cut a Lot of Weight

In Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitions, there are a lot of weight categories. Professional athletes go through harsh weight cuts to gain an advantage on the highest level. If you want to have the best performance possible in your first competition, you should avoid cutting a lot of weight. Regular weight cuts from 1 to 3 kilos are okay, but everything above can result in a bad performance. Additionally, losing weight to reach a weight class will affect you mentally, and that is something you should avoid for your first BJJ competition.

How Do You Win the First BJJ Tournament?

Winning your first competition should not be your main goal. Instead, you should focus on having a good experience and learning something new. Nevertheless, everyone wants to win, and there are a few things you can do to improve your chances.

Have a Game Plan

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” This is a great quote from a book called “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Having a systematized approach can do a lot for you in your regular life; the same can be said about BJJ. You should always have a system to follow and a general game plan of what you need to do to secure a victory. You do not have to overcomplicate this, but you should know your strengths and weaknesses and work towards your strengths. For example, if you are a guard player, you should be ready to pull guard as soon as the fight starts. Contrary to that, if you like to be on top, you should have some signature takedowns to secure your top position. Even better than knowing your game plan is if you can gain some information on your opponent and observe his weaknesses. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” This is another popular quote from the book “Art of War” by Sun Tzu. I recommend reading these two books as they can give you a lot of information on habits and mentality. I will link them down below.

How do you win your first bjj tournament

Build a Game Around Fundamentals

The fundamental moves of jiu-jitsu can take you a long way when it comes to competition. Pin escapes, guard retention, half guard, closed guard, and attacking the turtle are necessary skills to master. Lower belts tend to disregard these techniques and focus on fancy ones, such as loop chokes, flying armbars, worm guard, etc. Avoid the complicated stuff and stick to the basics. That will make your game better all around, which will pay off in the long run. If you want to improve this part of your game, I highly recommend checking John Danahers’ “Go Further Faster” series.

Stabilize Positions

To score points in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu match, you have to hold a certain position for a minimum of three seconds. This means that before risking to go for a submission or moving to the next position, you have to control your opponent for three seconds. You don’t want to mount someone and jump on an armbar before getting points. This can lead to your opponent escaping and can cost you the match.

Have a Good Warm-up

This is a mistake that can affect your performance drastically. You don’t want to go into your first fight without breaking a sweat. Spend at least half an hour warming up before your match starts. You can do different drills to raise your heart rate, and you can do some light rolls to get the blood flowing. Don’t overdo this, as you don’t want to get fatigued before your match. Here is a video of a good warm-up routine from Chewjitsu, be sure to check it out.

What Should I Bring to My First BJJ Competition?

When going to your first BJJ tournament, there are a couple of items you should bring with you. Keep in mind that you will spend a whole day in the tournament venue, so prepare yourself well. Here is a list of items you should bring:

  • Slippers – You will spend a lot of time in the venue, be sure to bring slippers to stay comfortable during the day.
  • Toilet paper – You will probably have to go to the toilet before or after the competition, so bring this just in case.
  • Athletic tape – Be sure to tape your fingers before the match, as this can save you from injuries. Check out the high-quality tape from Monkey Tape.
  • Headphones – Listening to music is a great way to get into a good mood before a competition. Everything is easier when you can listen to your favorite songs.
  • Pre-workout – This is not necessary but can greatly benefit you. It will help you with your warm-up and keep you focused during your matches.
  • Hydratation & food – Be sure to have drinks rich in electrolytes during the day, especially if you have to cut weight. Also, bring some fruit like bananas because they make you energized.  

What Do You Wear to a BJJ Competition?

In Brazilian jiu-jitsu, matches can be fought with a kimono (gi) or without a kimono (no-gi). Depending on the type of tournament you are participating in, you will have to bring proper attire. In the case of your regular daily clothing, keep it casual and comfortable. For example, you can wear some trousers and sneakers. If it is summer, you can go in shorts and sneakers. Whatever makes you comfortable is the best choice.

Should I Train the Day Before a BJJ Tournament?

This can vary from person to person, but beginners should probably rest before an upcoming competition and avoid training. The day before an important tournament can be a bit stressful. As a result, you probably won’t be able to sleep well, so you should do something relaxing. You can watch a movie that brings good memories or read an interesting book. Both are great options for calming your nerves before your first BJJ competition.

Which BJJ Tournament Is the Most Prestigious?

Numerous organizations host Brazilian jiu-jitsu and grappling tournaments. However, the two most prestigious organizations are the IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation) and the ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club). Both of these federations have their own world championship, and winning one of them is the biggest accomplishment in grappling. 

IBJJF World Jiu-Jitsu Championship

The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation organizes many tournaments worldwide, both gi and no-gi, but the biggest one is the World Championship. IBJJF World Championship is held every year, and it is the most valuable tournament you can win in the gi. It is a large tournament, with grapplers of all belt levels and ages participating across different categories. The most prestigious trophy you can win at this tournament is the black belt absolute world champion. Only a handful of competitors have been able to win this award, and they are considered legends of the sport. Some of them are:

  • Roger Gracie 
  • Alexandre Ribeiro
  • Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida
  • Nicholas Meregali
  • Rodolfo Vieira
  • Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza

ADCC Submission Fighting World Championship 

ADCC World Championship is considered to be the pinnacle of submission grappling. The tournament is held every two years and has welcomed grapplers from Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Luta Livre, wrestling, mixed martial arts, judo, Sambo, etc. There are only eight categories in the competition, including the absolute, and each category has 16 participants, with 8 women competing in the women’s categories. It is very hard to qualify for ADCC, and people from all over the world try to secure their spot. There are two ways to get into the ADCC tournament: invitation (reserved for the top grapplers in the world) and winning the Trials. Each year, the ADCC hosts four Trials, and the winner of the gold medal wins a spot at the grand tournament. The competitions are organized in Brazil, North America, Europe, and Asia & Oceania. Winning the ADCC World Championship absolute title is the dream of every grappler; by doing so, people become legends in our sport. Here are some of the biggest names that have won the prestigious title:

  • Andre Galvao
  • Gordon Ryan
  • Roger Gracie
  • Ricardo Arona
  • Felipe Pena

Can You Win Money in Jiu-Jitsu Tournaments?

As the sport of BJJ grows, there are more and more opportunities for athletes to earn money through competition. Nowadays, some of the top tournaments give prize money to athletes. However, winning a world championship gives you much more than the cash prize. Athletes can develop their brands and become super popular, which leads to them getting paid for superfights and seminars.


I hope this article answered your questions about your first BJJ competition. Keep in mind that it is the same thing you do almost every day. What is important is that you enjoy the experience and learn something new. Be sure to read the rules and warm up well. 

Thank you for reading the article! My name is Milos Milosavljevic, and I am a brown belt and a head instructor at Fort Jiu-Jitsu. Check us out, and I will see you next time!