
Jiu Jitsu Stretches to Prevent Injury and Improve Recovery

Stretching is absolutely essential to keep muscles strong, flexible and healthy. It improves performance in physical activities, minimizes the risk of injuries, makes muscles more efficient and enhances the ability to carry out day-to-day activities with ease. In martial arts, particularly Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, where quick transitions and flexibility are the keys to victory, the importance of stretching can’t be emphasized enough. Not only do BJJ stretch techniques help practitioners warm up before they get rolling, but it also cools them down after a productive grappling session. Jiu Jitsu stretches are also great way to clear and calm your mind down after a tough training session. In this article, we will go through eight BJJ stretchers for beginners and advanced students alike that work wonders.

Stretches for BJJ

The Benefits Of Stretching

A good BJJ stretch routine will take your game to the next level, because you will be better prepared for the toll a hard session of grappling takes on your body. Here are the two main benefits of jiu jitsu stretches.

Reduced Risk Of Injury

Whether you are stepping foot inside the gym for the first time, or you have been training for years, injuries are inevitable. You will suffer from a sprained or pulled muscle every now and then. BJJ will put your body in positions that stress various joints. But if the muscles aren’t properly warmed up, the sprain will be felt sooner and it may even keep you out of action for quite some time. Your muscles won’t be able to handle pressure if they are not properly warmed up. If they are stretched properly, they can handle more pressure and exhibit increased flexibility and a reduced risk of injury.

Improved Positioning And Movements

If you aren’t stretching before and after your BJJ sessions, you are totally missing out. BJJ can increase tightness in hip flexors and lower and upper back if you roll without stretching or warming up. Tight hip flexors can cause pain in the lower back and reduce mobility and coordination. Tight upper back and shoulders can lead to pain and injury as well, which ultimately affects your performance and leads to bad posturing.

BJJ Stretches For Beginners

Here are some useful jiu jitsu stretches for BJJ practitioners, with a step-by-step guide on how to perform them.


Neck stretches can expand the range of motion and elasticity in the cervical spine area, which reduces pain and stiffness. In BJJ and grappling in general, the neck bears most of the brunt of training, as it is the target of many chokeholds. Therefore, increased resistance is essential to bear the discomfort caused by those BJJ techniques and avoid injuries. Below are a couple of neck jiu jitsu stretches that you can make the best use of.

Chin Tucks

Chin Tucks are one of the easier BJJ stretches for beginners. They can be done while sitting or standing. Here are the steps to perform this exercise.

  1. With ears directly over the shoulders, sit upright and look straight ahead.
  2. Then place a finger on your chin.
  3. Pull your chin and head straight back until you feel a decent amount of stretch at the base of your head and on top of your neck.
  4. Maintain the position for 5 seconds and relax.
  5. Perform at least 10 repetitions, or as many as you can.

The Armpit Sniffer

This BJJ stretch technique specifically targets the bigger muscles in your neck and shoulder area.

  1. Sit in an upright position with your head aligned over your shoulders.
  2. Place your hands at the back of your head by clasping the fingers together.
  3. Press the back of your head into your palms and pull your hands upwards to lengthen the back of the neck.
  4. With your hands clasped behind the head, gently press downwards to stretch the back of your neck and hold the position for 8-10 breaths.
  5. Lift the head back up and release your hands.
  6. Turn your head to the right side so that your chin aligns over your shoulder. Now lower your chin to point it towards your right armpit.
  7. Wrap your right arm over your head and gently press downwards to aid the stretch on the left side of your neck. Repeat the same step with your left arm and shoulder to stretch the right side of your neck. Maintain the position for 5 breaths.


Hands and wrists are among the most utilized joints in BJJ and require a great deal of care to protect them from injuries. To perform better during competition and in the gym, practitioners can improve hand and wrist resistance through various stretching exercises. Be very gentle when performing wrist stretches, however, as they are more prone to injuries due to over stretching.

BJJ Wrist Stretches

Wrist Pulses

  1. Begin on your hands and knees, before shifting weight on your knees until you can slowly raise your palms.
  2. Gently raise your palms off the ground and lower them back to their starting position.
  3. Rotate your hands until your fingers point backwards, and gently stretch your forearm area. Perform at least 10 glides.
  4. Turn your hands over and now place the back of your hand on the floor with fingers pointing towards you.
  5. Slowly apply pressure to stretch the top side of your forearm and perform 5-10 pulses.


T-Spine mobility is important for strengthening the upper back and spine. These jiu jistu stretches are also super helpful in preventing injuries.

Quadruple T-Spine Rotations

Quadruple T-Spine Rotations are the best way to add mobility and strength to the muscles.

  1. Start with a hands-and-knees position on the floor.
  2. Maintain an upright position and place a hand gently behind your head. Keep your spine as straight as possible.
  3. Twist upwards towards the arm-behind-the-head side. While some rounding of upper spine is alright, you should avoid rounding too much.
  4. Twist towards the planted arm. Repeat 10 times on each side.


If you want to become a successful grappler, you need a strong core. This is one thing your coaches will always tell you. The core is a group of muscles that work together as a team to allow the body to function properly. The core area is made up of the lumbar spine, the muscles of the abdominal wall, the back extensors, and quadratus lumborum. While strengthening of core occurs through dedicated training, as explained by Dr Stuart McGill, stretching before exercise or training can help muscles train better and be more mobile. Additionally, these jiu jitsu stretches can also reduce pain in the core. Here are a couple of core and hip BJJ stretches for beginners.

Crossover Glute Stretch

  1. Raise your knees while lying on the ground.
  2. Lift one leg over the other and raise the uncrossed leg.
  3. Once you feel a stretch in the opposite glute, maintain position for 30 seconds or less.
  4. Repeat with the opposite legs. Make 2-3 repetitions.

The hips are used extensively in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and grappling in general. Whether you need to perform escapes or execute submissions like armbar or triangle choke, hips play a crucial role. Hip muscles must also be strong to provide better stability in the core. The following hip exercises can help minimize the risk of injuries and maintain strong and flexible hips, while also strengthening surrounding muscles such as the core, hamstrings and quads.

Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch

The Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch is one of the best stretches for BJJ practitioners, which helps stretch out the hip flexor. Here is a step-by-step guide to performing this exercise.

  1. Start in a high kneeling position with both knees on the ground.
  2. Maintain position on one side, while forming a lunge position on the other side.
  3. Keep your body nice and straight and slowly bend forward with your hips until your feel a stretch.
  4. Maintain position for a few seconds and repeat 2-3 times on each side.


The hamstring complex is another important area to warm up before training BJJ. A tight hamstring can reduce your guard flexibility, add to lower back tension and increase the possibility of injury. Before you get ready to roll, make sure to loosen up the back of your legs. This can be done by performing the following BJJ stretches for beginners.

Lying And Sitting Hamstring Stretches

For Lying Hamstring Stretches, follow these steps:

  1. Lay on your back with one leg flat on the ground and the other leg up and bent 90 degrees.
  2. Hold the back of your hamstring and gradually straighten up your leg until it’s extended fully.
  3. Pull your toes back for added stretch.
  4. Bend and straighten your leg at least 10 to 15 times.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.

For Lying Hamstring Stretches, follow these steps:

  1. Start at a sitting position. Stretch your right leg out and keep your left leg bent at the knee, with your foot pointed inwards.
  2. Extend your right leg slightly and bend forward at the waist while keeping your back straight.
  3. Maintain position for 30 seconds or less and repeat with the other leg.
  4. Perform two to three repetitions.


Shoulder stretches are a great way of reducing stress and improving circulation in the shoulder joints and muscles, particularly for BJJ practitioners. Because Brazilian Jiu Jitsu requires certain shoulder positions that require mobility and stability, it is important to regularly perform jiu jitsu stretches that keep them prepared for battle.

Overhead Shoulder Stretch

  1. Stand with your shoulders feet width apart and chest out.
  2. Raise one arm over your head, bend your elbow and put your hand behind your neck.
  3. Grab your elbow with the other hand and slowly pull it behind your head and hold the stretch for 30 seconds or less.
  4. Repeat with the other shoulder.


So far in this article, we have learned about 8 BJJ stretches for beginners. A good stretching routine has great benefits for BJJ practitioners as mentioned in this article. Not only does it prepare your muscles for battle, but it also reduces the chances of injury. Stretching can be done before and after working out. If you are a beginner, try out the stretching techniques mentioned in this article, and experiment what feels good for yourself. In case of injuries, here is what you need to do.

If you have just started your BJJ journey recently, here are some moves you should know.