
Why BJJ is a Great Sport for Kids

Are you considering enrolling your child in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) classes? BJJ is a popular martial art that’s now offered by many academies for kids. It’s not only great for children but can also provide academies with additional revenue. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about BJJ for kids.

What Age Should Kids Start BJJ?

Parents often wonder when their children should start practicing BJJ. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the factors that determine when it is appropriate for kids to start training in BJJ.

Most Kids Start Around 6

The first thing to consider is the child’s age. While there is no specific age that is perfect for starting BJJ, most instructors and experts recommend that kids start at around 6-8 years old. This is because children at this age have developed enough physically to be able to perform the basic techniques of BJJ, such as grappling, without injuring themselves.

Consider Your Child’s Maturity Level

Another factor to consider is the child’s maturity level. BJJ is a challenging and often intense martial art, and it requires a lot of discipline and focus. Children who are easily distracted or lack the patience and attention span needed to learn the techniques may struggle with BJJ. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your child has the right mindset and maturity level to handle the sport.

Physical Ability

Physical ability is also an important consideration. BJJ is a sport that requires strength, balance, and flexibility. Kids who have weak or undeveloped muscles, poor coordination, or joint problems may not be physically ready to start BJJ. It’s important to consult with your child’s doctor to ensure that they are physically capable of practicing BJJ.

is BJJ for kids

Does Your Child Want To Start BJJ?

Another important factor to consider is the child’s interest and willingness to learn. It’s essential to ensure that your child is genuinely interested in BJJ and not being pushed into it by parents or peers. Children who have a genuine interest and desire to learn are more likely to stick with BJJ and progress further.

Is the Instructor Good with Kids?

Finally, the instructor and the gym’s training program should be taken into account. It’s important to find a qualified instructor who has experience working with children and who can teach BJJ techniques in a safe and age-appropriate manner. The gym should also have a training program that is specifically designed for children, with an emphasis on safety, discipline, and fun.

The appropriate age for children to start BJJ varies depending on the child’s age, maturity level, physical ability, interest, and the instructor’s experience. It’s important to take all these factors into account before enrolling your child in BJJ classes. By doing so, you can ensure that your child has a positive experience and can develop the skills and discipline needed to progress in the sport.

Is BJJ Safe for Kids?

Safety is a significant concern for parents. However, a reputable academy with trained instructors can supervise everything that happens in class. Precautions are also put in place to avoid untoward incidents. In most BJJ for kids, sparring is more controlled, and in some cases, it’s foregone until children are around 8 years old. Chokes are usually not taught to young children because of their fatal nature.

Benefits of Jiu-Jitsu for Kids

BJJ is a great sport for children and adults alike, and there are benefits that go beyond the mats. BJJ encourages children to be active, teaching the importance of exercise at an early age. It’s also a great way for hyperactive kids to release their energy. Additionally, BJJ is an individual sport that requires the help of teammates and coaches to improve technique and timing, making it a great way for kids to socialize and learn to respect their training partners.

Improved Confidence and Self-Esteem

BJJ can help boost children’s confidence and self-esteem. When children learn a new technique, it gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride. Over time, this can help build their confidence and self-esteem.

Moreover, BJJ provides children with a sense of accomplishment when they earn their stripes and belts. Unlike many other martial arts, BJJ is more objective in grading the children’s progress. Children receive a new belt or stripe when they are able to execute a certain set of techniques properly. It gives them a clear indication of their progress, and they can see their growth over time.

BJJ also helps children become more comfortable with their bodies. The sport involves a lot of grappling and close-contact movements, which can initially feel uncomfortable for some kids. However, with regular practice, they become more comfortable with their bodies and learn to use them more effectively.

Problem Solving Skills

BJJ is often referred to as a game of human chess, as it involves a lot of strategic thinking and problem solving. Children who practice BJJ learn to strategize and anticipate their opponent’s next move. They learn to analyze their opponent’s technique and develop counter moves to defend themselves.

BJJ also teaches children to stay calm and think logically under pressure. During sparring, children are put in situations where they must think and react quickly. This can help them develop their problem-solving skills and learn to make quick decisions under pressure.

Discipline and Focus

BJJ requires discipline and focus, which are valuable skills for children to learn. In BJJ classes, children are expected to follow the instructor’s directions and show respect to their training partners. They are also expected to arrive on time and be prepared for class.

By practicing BJJ, children learn to focus on the task at hand and block out distractions. This can help them in other areas of their life, such as school and extracurricular activities.

Dangers of BJJ for Kids

While BJJ has many benefits for kids, including increased confidence, physical fitness, and discipline, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers associated with this sport.

is BJJ good for kids


Like any other sport, BJJ can result in injuries. Common injuries include sprains, strains, bruises, and cuts. While these injuries may not be life-threatening, they can be painful and take time to heal.

In addition to these minor injuries, there is also a risk of more serious injuries, such as broken bones, dislocations, and concussions. These types of injuries are less common, but they can happen.

To minimize the risk of injuries, it’s important for kids to train with qualified instructors who place an emphasis on safety. Parents should also ensure that their kids wear the appropriate safety gear, including mouthguards, ear guards, and knee pads.

Weight Cutting

Weight cutting is a common practice in combat sports, including BJJ. This involves losing weight in order to compete in a lower weight class. While weight cutting can give a competitor an advantage, it can also be dangerous, especially for kids.

Kids who engage in weight cutting can suffer from dehydration, malnutrition, and other health problems. Parents should discourage their kids from engaging in weight cutting, and should work with their kids’ coaches to ensure that weight cutting is not encouraged or rewarded.


Overtraining is another potential danger of BJJ for kids. Kids who train too much can suffer from physical and mental exhaustion, and can also be at a higher risk of injury.

To prevent overtraining, parents should ensure that their kids have enough time to rest and recover between training sessions. Kids should also be encouraged to listen to their bodies and speak up if they are feeling tired or overworked.

jiu jitsu for kids

Poor Nutrition

Good nutrition is important for all athletes, but it’s especially important for kids who are still growing and developing. Poor nutrition can lead to a variety of health problems, including malnutrition, dehydration, and decreased athletic performance.

Parents should work with their kids’ coaches to ensure that their kids are receiving proper nutrition before, during, and after training sessions. This includes providing healthy meals and snacks, and making sure their kids are staying hydrated.

Lack of Supervision

Finally, lack of supervision can also be a danger for kids who are training in BJJ. Kids who are unsupervised can engage in dangerous behaviors, such as practicing moves without proper supervision or attempting to lift weights that are too heavy.

Parents should ensure that their kids are training in a supervised environment, and should also be aware of their kids’ training schedule and who they are training with.

In conclusion, while BJJ can have many benefits for kids, it’s important for parents to be aware of the potential dangers associated with this sport. By working with qualified instructors, encouraging proper nutrition and rest, and providing a supervised environment for their kids to train in, parents can help minimize the risks associated with BJJ.

What Do Kids Need to Start Training BJJ?

Many parents are interested in enrolling their children in BJJ, but may be unsure about what their child needs to start. In this blog post, we will explore the equipment, physical and mental requirements that a child needs to start training in BJJ.


The good news is that BJJ does not require a lot of expensive equipment. Here are the basic items your child will need:

  1. Gi: This is a traditional BJJ uniform that consists of a jacket and pants. It is made of sturdy material and designed to withstand the rigors of training. Gis come in different colors, but most schools require a white or blue gi for beginners.
  2. Belt: The belt signifies the rank of the student. White is the beginner belt, and as the child progresses in rank, they will earn different colored belts.
  3. Mouthguard: This is essential to protect the child’s teeth and gums during sparring or rolling. Make sure the mouthguard is properly fitted and comfortable.
  4. Water bottle: It is important for your child to stay hydrated during training. Encourage your child to bring a water bottle and to take water breaks as needed.

Physical Requirements

BJJ can be physically demanding, but it is also a great way for children to improve their fitness and develop physical skills. Here are some physical requirements that your child needs to start BJJ:

  1. Coordination: BJJ involves intricate movements and techniques that require coordination. Your child should be able to follow instructions and perform movements with control and balance.
  2. Flexibility: BJJ involves a lot of stretching and bending. Your child should have a reasonable level of flexibility to perform techniques and avoid injury.
  3. Strength: BJJ requires upper body and core strength. While children do not need to have a lot of strength to start, they should have a baseline level of fitness to participate safely.

Mental Requirements

BJJ is not just a physical activity, it also requires mental toughness and discipline. Here are some mental requirements that your child needs to start BJJ:

  1. Focus: BJJ requires a lot of concentration and focus. Your child should be able to pay attention to instructions and maintain focus during training.
  2. Respect: BJJ has a strong culture of respect for instructors, training partners, and the art itself. Your child should understand the importance of showing respect to others and following the rules of the school.
  3. Perseverance: BJJ can be challenging, and progress may be slow. Your child should be willing to put in the time and effort to improve their skills and overcome obstacles.

In conclusion, starting BJJ can be a great experience for your child. They will learn valuable physical and mental skills that will benefit them both on and off the mat. By having the proper equipment, physical and mental requirements, your child will be set up for success in their BJJ journey.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, despite some of the risks, if you find the right gym BJJ for kids is safe, fun, and offers numerous benefits. If you’re considering getting your child into BJJ, look for reputable academies that cater to kids and have trained instructors. Give your child the gift of BJJ, and they’ll thank you for it in the future!

If you’re interested in hearing about how great BJJ is for self-defense, go HERE.