
How Hard is Doing Jiu Jitsu Really?

is jiu jitsu hard

Compared to 10 years ago, there are a lot of black belts nowadays. However, it’s also true that only a small percentage of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners ever get to black belt. This begs the question: is jiu jitsu hard, especially for beginners? What makes the sport difficult that it makes a lot of people quit? … Read more

The Fundamentals of Jiu Jitsu Choke Holds [With Videos]

jiu jitsu choke holds

In Brazilian jiu-jitsu, the ultimate form of victory is achieved by winning through submission. This means that we can use dozens of submissions, all of which are divided into two main categories: joint locks and choke holds. A joint lock involves damaging a joint by rotating or hyperextending it, whereas a choke hold involves rendering … Read more

Don’t Let Impetigo Ruin BJJ: Tips for Prevention and Management

impetigo BJJ

Practicing good hygiene is crucial for grapplers. Skin infections are a major concern. It’s not just up to you to prevent them, but also your gym mates. Some infections don’t hinder your grappling ability, so you may unknowingly infect others. This is why skin infections, like impetigo, are a serious threat to BJJ. Impetigo is … Read more