
Can BJJ Beat Wrestling? Which is Better for Self-Defense?

Want to know how to defend yourself? Confused about which is better: jiu-jitsu or wrestling? No need to worry we have you covered. Both styles can be used effectively for self-defense. In this article, we will give you our choice and its reasoning. If you are an avid fan of MMA, you will agree that in most fights the advanced striker can often be submitted by a worthy BJJ or wrestling expert. This fact leaves many fans wondering, what would happen in a BJJ vs. wrestling matchup? Can BJJ Beat Wrestling?

A BJJ expert can win against an opponent who relies on wrestling by switching positions when on the ground. A BJJ user can effectively use techniques perfected over many training sessions to submit any fighter. BJJ allows its practitioner to negate significant differences in weight and strength. Even if the wrestler is better conditioned or is more explosive, you can never count out the BJJ specialist.

Also, there are many other reasons for choosing BJJ over wrestling. Keep reading for a comprehensive overview of each of these methods of self-defense and the benefits of each style. We’ll also go over the learning curve for both and how BJJ and wrestling stack up inside and outside the octagon. 

The Popularity of BJJ vs. wrestling

Let us consider the popularity and cultural impact of both styles. 

Increasing Popularity of BJJ

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is the fastest growing fighting style period. This fact is undeniable as people of all ages are adopting this sport. This is especially true for the United States. BJJ is also considered by many as not just a combat sport but a lifestyle. Even Google trends can show the increasing relevance of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

This popularity is also due to BJJ being a less concussive sport than wrestling. The core message of BJJ is one of self-defense. This message resonates with people as it is something they can appreciate. The primary message of wrestling however is that of explosive aggression. This can rub some people the wrong way.

Stagnant Popularity of wrestling

On the other hand, the popularity of wrestling is stagnant. According to the 2018-19 High School Athletics Participation Survey conducted by The National Federation of State High School Associations, boy’s high school wrestling was the 7th most popular sport among boys. The statistics for girls wrestling participation are also similar.

Benefits of wrestling

Wrestling like other combat sports has its mental and physical benefits.

Physical Benefits of Wrestling

Among many sports with physical benefits, wrestling is unmatched. Wrestling training involves the entire body and explosive movements. These along with the fact that your heart rate is soaring provide the best improvements in physicality. If you keep up with your wrestling program, you will certainly improve your strength and conditioning.

Wrestling also has a vibrant community of enthusiasts. The first step is to find a good wrestling gym near you. Being among positive and energetic individuals can do wonders. If you find yourself feeling down and unproductive, wrestling can improve your mood and also do wonders for your mental health in the long run.

Mental Benefits of Wrestling

Wrestlers not only have strong bodies but strong minds as well. The sport requires one to be incredibly focused and look for openings to exploit in an instant. This is the reason why many wrestlers report increased focus, self-reliance, and confidence. It is a fact that exercise improves brain function and your outlook on life.

Most wrestlers also take their training outside the gym. Eating in a calorie surplus or deficit to increase or reduce weight is commonplace. Your weight and size can give you a massive advantage when wrestling with a lighter opponent. This can help develop a healthy routine and the knowledge gained can be applied to implement many better habits.

Benefits of BJJ

Can BJJ beat wrestling when it comes to their overall benefits? It is no surprise that BJJ is one of the best ways to improve yourself, physically and mentally. Many training programs for BJJ also involve strength training and conditioning workouts.

Physical Benefits of Jiu Jitsu

BJJ improves your flexibility and range of motion. Escaping submission attempts and gaining an advantage requires a lot of maneuverability. For this reason, one of the main goals of any BJJ program is to increase flexibility. Keep in mind that everything comes with time. Do not push yourself to the point where you might get injured. Practice makes perfect.

Social Benefits of Jiu Jitsu

The social aspect of BJJ is also undeniable. Many have left their shells behind by joining the energetic and ambitious community of BJJ. While the sport of wrestling is more focused on the competitive aspect, BJJ has carved its niche among professionals and laypeople alike. There is likely a BJJ gym near you, filled with people just like you. People who are putting in the work to improve themselves.

Mental Benefits of Jiu Jitsu

Any physical activity will inherently benefit the mind. BJJ can strengthen your mind and enable you to think more critically in your everyday life. When you learn a new technique or overcome your rival, it feels unlike anything else. The constant progression-based approach of BJJ keeps you fulfilled. The social factor also helps. Spending more time with positive like-minded individuals can improve your outlook.

Jiu-jitsu training is designed to inculcate a sense of discipline. It teaches you to respect both the art and the opponent. Through your training, you are taught to be patient and analyze the situation from multiple perspectives. This is what develops respect for oneself and others.

BJJ vs. wrestling in MMA fights 

I bet you are wondering, can BJJ beat wrestling inside an octagon? The most crucial factor in who wins an MMA fight is experience. All things being equal the fighter with more experience will be victorious. But BJJ can give even a novice, a good chance to overcome this barrier.


Generally, the BJJ fighter will have a better ground game and an excellent understanding of the guard position. Conventional thought says that when you are in the octagon, you never want to spend time on your back. This however is not the case for an experienced BJJ fighter. They can stay in the guard position for ages and look for the perfect opportunity to reverse or submit.

Many great BJJ fighters have entered the octagon. Among them is Nathan Diaz. With a record of 21-13-0 to his name, he is a formidable BJJ specialist. 12 of his wins have been with submissions. He is most known for his fights against Conor McGregor. Nate won by submission against Conor which shows his excellent BJJ skills.

Demian Maia is another accomplished BJJ fighter. He is widely regarded as one of the best BJJ fighters in the UFC. While he may never win a UFC championship he is still a worthy opponent for anyone in the UFC. With a record of 28-11-0, he has submitted over 10 people. His BJJ skills are so deadly that opponents desperately want to avoid going down on the ground against him.

Wrestling in MMA

Wrestlers are experts at takedowns. With their explosiveness, they can easily get the opponent on the ground. Once they have the advantageous position, they can easily close out the match with basic ground and pound or submission. They can even stand back up and continue after tiring out the BJJ user.

All this is much easier said than done. In the end, the fighter with greater patience, persistence, and stamina is bound to be victorious. This fact can be highlighted by Khabib Nurmagomedov being undefeated in the UFC. He is the best ground and pound fighter and has submitted many of his opponents using his excellent wrestling skills. His record of 29-0-0 is sure to leave a lasting legacy in the UFC.

BJJ vs. wrestling in a street fight

Is BJJ better than wrestling when defending yourself in a street fight? Both styles focus on taking down your opponent and finishing them on the ground. 

BJJ is hailed by many experts as one of the most effective martial arts. But does a style that focuses on ground takedowns and submissions have any benefit in the open?

BJJ in the streets

While up against an opponent who is heavier and stronger than you, BJJ will save your ass. BJJ can allow its user to overcome major differences in weight and strength. BJJ also teaches proper defense which will ensure that you do not look horrible after the fight.

Mental fortitude is required to properly assess a dangerous situation. Being in a self-defense situation can easily overwhelm you. Jiu-jitsu training teaches you to be calm under pressure and carefully think of the best course of action. BJJ can be extremely effective against a single attacker. 

When faced with multiple threats however you will not find much help from your BJJ techniques. These techniques are only for taking down and submitting one opponent. 

Furthermore, if you have been practicing while wearing a Gi then you could have trouble fighting someone wearing regular clothes. A Gi is traditionally worn in almost all BJJ gyms. If you want to buy a dependable Gi that will last, our recommendation is this solid BJJ Gi made by Fuji.

Wrestling in the streets

Wrestling on the other hand can make you explosive and quick. If you are an experienced wrestler, you will most likely be the stronger person in a street fight. As a wrestler, you can use your strength to take charge of the situation and dominate. 

When you are fighting multiple people, your strength and explosiveness will help you a lot. But your wrestling techniques and quick takedowns will not be a factor anymore. Your best option may just be to try and leave. But if that is not an option then stay on the offensive.

Which is Easier to Learn: BJJ or Wrestling?

Learning any new skill can be very difficult. The key to success is to be persistent. If you are athletic and in good shape, you will be able to pick up BJJ or wrestling much faster. Going with friends is also an effective way to build a routine. 

Learning BJJ

Finding a good training center is key when learning either wrestling or BJJ. When comparing gyms for jiu-jitsu vs. wrestling, it becomes apparent that there are a lot more BJJ gyms than wrestling gyms. This is primarily due to the popularity of BJJ. It is much easier to find a good gym nearby for BJJ vs. wrestling gyms.

BJJ has become very accessible for all ages and skill levels. It can take a long time to build your maneuverability and to properly learn techniques. But the good news is that there will always be people at your skill level. They can help you spar and improve at a much faster rate. BJJ uses a belt-based system to show one’s rank and skill level.

This article goes over the requirements for a blue belt and how long it takes to earn it.

Learning Wrestling

So then what about wrestling? Can BJJ beat wrestling when it comes to learning difficulty?

Wrestling is more focused on building one’s strength and explosiveness. This requires a lot of time and commitment if you want to progress. Apart from this added barrier, the techniques are also more focused on aggression rather than defense.

There is no rank or belt system in wrestling. Instead, it is strictly sport-based, where every competitor is separated by a weight class. This gives everyone an even playing field and encourages competition.

Wrestling is without a doubt less accessible than BJJ. Most wrestling gyms do not cater well to novices. There is no guarantee that someone at your skill level and weight class will be attending. If you want to learn wrestling our advice is to go with a friend so you can improve together.


We understand that committing to one style can be a difficult decision. That is the reason why this article exists. Highlighting all the points in the BJJ vs. wrestling debate is how we hope to make your decision easier and straightforward.

Considering all the aspects mentioned above does BJJ Beat wrestling? In our opinion yes, any day of the week. In terms of benefits, real-world utility, popularity, and ease of access, there is no contest between jiu-jitsu vs. wrestling.

Next time you hear someone ask, is BJJ better than wrestling? be sure to let them know that BJJ is not another fad. It is here to stay and grow. It will keep evolving. The awareness is already spreading and it is a short road to BJJ gaining the recognition it deserves.