
The Ultimate Guide to How Much a BJJ Gi Should Cost

The best way to become technical in BJJ is to learn with the gi. Having a gi allows you to work your technique and not over-rely on explosiveness, speed, and strength. One of the most common questions by novice BJJ practitioners is how much does a gi cost? A quick search online and you might feel confused by the disparity of gi prices in the market. 

In this article, we’ll feature some of the things that affect a gi’s price.  We’ll also give you an idea about the real price of gis before any other marketing comes into play. 

How Much Does a BJJ Gi Cost?

So how much does a gi cost in BJJ? A BJJ gi could sell as cheap as $95 or even as absurd as $250. However, there are times when a gi could even go as high as $400. But to answer the question, it ultimately depends on the brand that’s selling the gi. 

Most brands will sell their gi at $130. The reason for this price is that the company will also have to include marketing, manpower, and even storage into the equation. Most brands that sell their gis at $130 are small businesses, typically a 1-2 man operation. 

Aside from the brands that offer gis at $100 to $130, there are the brands like Shoyoroll. If you’re new to BJJ, the closest thing to Shoyoroll gis is the Jordan sneakers that people collect and even sell for a profit in the secondary market. A Shoyoroll gi could cost $200, but it can go higher especially when you buy them from the secondary market. 

What makes Shoyoroll gis expensive? That’s where marketing comes into play. For starters, they’ve signed most of the top competitors today. Also, the brand was first known for its limited production. Though they currently produce more gis than before, they now have fans craving for the next Shoyoroll drop. 

For those who are curious, how much does a gi cost if you’re going to buy directly from a factory? There are different factors to consider. For one, how many gis are you trying to order direct from a factory? Also, you need to consider the shipping. 

But as a rule of thumb, you can get a gi for $60 to $70 if you are going to order directly from a factory. Some are even willing to sell knockoff gis by different brands. Unfortunately, it’s hard to gamble with random people online who would suddenly offer to sell you a gi. 

Do I Have to Buy a Gi for Jiu Jitsu?

If you’re starting your BJJ journey, there’s no denying that you can still learn BJJ even without the gi. However, will you be as technical if you don’t wear the gi? 

If you want to get good in BJJ, then you will have to wear the gi. Even if you will look at the past ADCC champions, all of them have practiced wearing the gi. 

But does it mean that you should never practice nogi? That’s not the case. The point is to find the sweet spot where you are good at both gi and nogi. 

Wearing a clean gi is also important for preventing staph infection while training.

How Much Does a Good Jiu Jitsu Gi Cost?

Buying a durable gi is always a good idea. Whether you’re a hobbyist or as a competitor, you want a gi that will not rip mid-roll. 

The good news is that you can find a good BJJ gi for less than $100. You’d be surprised that some brands will put their gis on sale. There may even be gis under $100 that are better than the more expensive gis in the market. 

how much does a bjj gi cost

But as a general rule, you want to check the materials before you even commit to buying a gi. Pearl weave is the most common fabric used on the majority of gi jackets in the market. On the other hand, the pants are usually made of rip-stop fabric. 

All BJJ Gi Fabrics Are Not Created Equal

Unfortunately, not all fabrics are the same. You also need to consider the weight of the material if you’re planning to have an everyday training gi. A 420-450 gsm pearl weave jacket is usually a good everyday training gi and even a competition gi. The lightest that you should go for is a 350 gsm pearl weave for a gi jacket. As for the pants, you’d want to choose pants made of at least 10oz rip-stop fabric.

Aside from pearl weave, some prefer to use gold weave since it’s softer on the skin compared to pearl weave gis. The problem with gold weave is that it shrinks more than your average pearl weave. This explains why a lot of gis made of gold weave look a bit longer when you first open them. This serves as an extra few inches for shrinkage. 

Between the pants and the jacket, there is a chance that the pants are going to rip faster than your gi jacket. Some brands reinforce the pants with pearl weave material such as the crotch and knee areas making it more durable. 

What Are the Signs of a Quality-Made BJJ Gi?

 Then, you also want to look at the workmanship. Though the majority of gi companies outsource the construction of their gis. These days, the majority of gis are made either in Pakistan or in China. There are only a few companies that produce their own gis. This means that when it comes to the workmanship of the gis, most companies don’t have any control. There are instances when companies deal with a bad batch. 

bjj gi weave

The good news is that you can always send an email to the gi company and most are happy to accommodate unhappy customers. The last thing a gi brand wants is to have a bad review made on their service or product. Given the number of choices in the market, it’s a tough market for them. 

Another reliable step to determine a good gi is to do your research. There are reviews and forums where you can get insights into which brand offers the best quality product. 

This means that the price is not an indicator of quality. The majority of gis in the market have the same quality. Some gi brands that sell gis above $170 could be using the same factory as brands selling gis for $95. 

The point is that you pay for the gi design that you liked the most. As for the quality, most of the gis have the same quality nowadays. 

What Size Gi Should I Wear

The next thing that you need to know is your size. A lot of novice BJJ practitioners end up getting the wrong sized gi. They either get something that is too baggy or something too tight. Between a judo gi and a BJJ gi, the latter has a more tapered fit. However, your BJJ gi should still give your opponent enough grips. 

If you want to be strict about the fit, you can follow IBJJF’s prescribed uniform requirements during tournaments. 

Another consideration when choosing your first gi is the size chart and cut of your preferred brand. Different brands use different size charts. Over the years, brands also changed their size charts to cater to different weights. However, a basic size chart for adult gis will have sizes from A00 up until A5. 

BJJ gi size chart

Nowadays, size charts provide in-between sizes and cuts designed for people who are short and heavy and those who are lanky. Then, there are also those size charts that are now designed for women. Some brands like Fenom offer a female-specific size chart. 

But as a rule of thumb when buying gis, you want to follow the size where your height falls under. For instance, A1 usually caters to individuals 5’4” to 5’8” and weighing 140-165 pounds. If you weigh a little above 170 pounds and your 5’7” tall, wearing an A2 will look oversized on you. Instead, go for an A1. If you’re still in doubt, send a message to the gi brand for their suggestion.  

Does BJJ Gi Color Matter? 

A lot of novice gi practitioners might feel confused about the color of the gis that they see in class. Does the gi color matter? 

The color of the gi isn’t exactly like the color of your belt. Unlike in Judo, BJJ gis has more color options. Aside from the white and blue gis, there are the black, brown, green, and even pink gis. 

To be safe, ask your instructor. Some gyms only allow certain colors. For instance, the Mendes Brothers only allow their students to wear white gis and black rashguards underneath. These days, more gyms are following this move. Others wouldn’t allow black gis in their academy. However, in most cases, all gi colors are allowed. Aside from the color, other gyms will require you to train in the academy gi. 

Is It Ok to Wear a Black Gi?

Over the years, a black gi is becoming popular. A lot of gi brands have released black gis. Brands like RVCA and Shoyoroll even collaborated to release the Buchecha signature gi which is available in both white and black colorways.  

Now, between a black and a white gi, some people prefer buying a black gi because it is easier to maintain. Stains are less obvious when you have a black gi. 

However, some academies won’t allow the wearing of black gis. Some gyms will allow royal blue and white gis to make the gym look nice in photos. However, at the end of the day, it depends on the instructor who runs the gym whether or not to allow a black gi. 

But if you’re someone who is traveling a lot and visiting different gyms, it’s a good idea if you stick with a white gi. Also, it’s a good idea if it doesn’t have any patches of any team. 

how much for a good bjj gi

Should You Wear a Shirt Under Your Gi? 

Another question that people ask, once they figure out how much a gi does cost, is what should they wear underneath the gi? On some occasions, wearing a shirt underneath the gi is fine. However, in BJJ, you want something that is made of polyester material since it doesn’t absorb so much sweat. You’ll notice that if you wear a cotton shirt underneath your gi, you’d most likely see the shirt wear out quickly and may even have a different smell after a few months. 

Nowadays, a lot of people wear rashguards and spats underneath their gis. For most gyms, this is even a requirement to have a rashguard underneath their gi. This is mainly for hygiene purposes. This could stop the spread of conditions that spread via skin-to-skin contact. 

Aside from a rashguard, it is also common for a lot of people to wear spats underneath their pants. In some gyms, it is also required to wear spats underneath nogi shorts. Ultimately, spats protect your skin from grips that could feel like a pinch. 

Another reason why it is ideal to use a rashguard and spats underneath your gi is that cotton is loose. This means that your shirt could get in the way when you’re rolling. Also, since shirts are usually looser compared to rashguards, your shirt could get ripped if your partner accidentally grabs into it.  

Also, both rashguard and spats can help prolong the life of your gi. Sweat is normally slightly acidic. Having a rashguard means less sweat going to your gi. In the long run, it helps maintain the gi. 

Between a short and a long-sleeved rashguard, it is better to go with the latter. By covering the entire arm, you get better coverage not only minimizing sweat but also preventing painful grips on your skin. 

Final Thoughts

So how much does a gi cost? The price range can be a bit diverse. You can buy a gi for as low as $95. You can even contact the factory directly and get it for less than $50. 

As far as the quality of the gi is concerned, unfortunately, most gi brands outsource the production of their gis. It can be a good and a bad thing. The good news is that big brands and small brands often have the same factories. On the other hand, they don’t have direct control over the production of their gis. 

Nowadays, you can choose from a variety of brands. You can choose the best style that fits your personality. And not only that, most gi companies are putting gis up for sale given the tough competition in the market.