
Don’t Let Impetigo Ruin BJJ: Tips for Prevention and Management

impetigo BJJ

Practicing good hygiene is crucial for grapplers. Skin infections are a major concern. It’s not just up to you to prevent them, but also your gym mates. Some infections don’t hinder your grappling ability, so you may unknowingly infect others. This is why skin infections, like impetigo, are a serious threat to BJJ. Impetigo is … Read more

What Is A BJJ Coral Belt? How Fighters Achieve the Coveted Belt

what is a bjj coral belt

The idea of rankings and belt systems is common in all martial arts. Moving up through belt colors is a way to measure your progress and give you something to look forward to as you train. Black belts are the pinnacle of ranking in any martial arts.  The excitement and expectation for a fighter increase … Read more

How to Treat and Prevent BJJ Ringworm

bjj ringworm

Ringworm is a common fungal infection of the skin and nails that “plagues” grappling martial artists. It is common in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because the conditions for the growth and spread of ringworm can often be found in BJJ gyms. And since fungal infections are mainly propagated through skin-to-skin contact, the spread of the infection is … Read more

How to Treat and Prevent Cauliflower Ear When Training BJJ

When engaging in any strenuous physical activity you always run the risk of injury. In full-contact sports such as rugby and martial arts, that emphasize physical contact the risk of injury is especially high.  For Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners you would expect the most common injuries to be dislocated joints or broken bones. Surprisingly, your ears … Read more

How Long to Get Your First Stripe in BJJ?

How long to get first stripe BJJ

So you have decided to practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or you’re considering doing so, and you want to know how long to get your first stripe in BJJ. This article will answer your question on how long it generally takes to get your first stripe in BJJ.  It is common for new students to anticipate climbing … Read more

Is There Striking in Jiu Jitsu?

is there striking in jiu jitsu

BJJ is a wonderful martial arts practice that has evolved into one of the most well-known combat sports. Many combatants, practitioners, and fans regard Jiu-Jitsu as the ultimate art for defending yourself in a fight. BJJ is a subtle chess match that involves using leverage and weight distribution. Competitors want to find the right moments … Read more